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Wayfinder Character Artwork by Joe Madureira

I've collected as much artwork as I could find from Airship Syndicate's new game Wayfinders that I believe is Joe Madureira's work. Enjoy the collection!

First he's some early concept art for Project Skylight (Which is now Wayfinder).

Project Skylight Concept at by Joe Madureira

Airship Syndicate Game Character Concept Art By Joe Madureira

Airship Syndicate Game Design Concept Art By Joe Madureira

 Next here's some marketing artwork for the game featuring the main heros (aka Wayfinders).

Wayfinder game main characters, Senja, Niss, Wingrave, Silo and Kyro drawn by Joe Madureira

Here's some high resolution images of the individual Wayfinders:


The Seeker Wingrave is a templar clad in spell-forged armor and sustained by his faith in the Architects. He's a natural leader and true champion, always ready to defend the innocent and to smite the forces of evil.

Wayfinder Game character design for Wingrave by Joe Madureira

Marketing art for Wayfinder character Wingrave by Joe Madureira


The Tactician Swift and precise, Silo makes every shot count. Born into a family of smugglers, he spent his life running under the radar and challenging tyrants. Now he's using those same skills to fight the Gloom. Silo loves long odds—the greater the challenge, the greater the thrill.

Wayfinder Game character design for Silo by Joe Madureira

Marketing art for Wayfinder character Silo by Joe Madureira


The Shadow Dancer Niss is kin to the shadows, and darkness serves as her weapon and her cloak. She is one of the Deep Eldren, an ancient people who now serve the malevolent Precursors. When Niss and her clan challenged the Precursors, her family was wiped out and Niss escaped into exile. Deadly and swift, Niss cares little for humanity. But she has sworn to destory the Precursors, and the Seekers can help her take her revenge.

Wayfinder Game character design for Niss by Joe Madureira

Marketing art for Wayfinder character Niss by Joe Madureira

Wayfinder Game character design for Niss by Joe Madureira


The Champion Before the Gloom swallowed the warrior, Senja was the greatest gladiator in the history of the Imperial Arena. She is the last of the Iron Sisters, a league of warriors from the distant Dominion of the Seven Winds, and she smites her enemies with both storm and steal.

Wayfinder Game character design for Senja by Joe Madureira

Marketing art for Wayfinder character Senja by Joe Madureira

Wayfinder Game character design for Senja by Joe Madureira


The Warmage Arcane power flows through Kyros, and he can unleash this force to devastate his enemies. He's the last survivor of a forgotten civilization, a wizard who transformed his flesh into pure mystical energy. Though his people are long lost, he's sworn to keep the Gloom from destroying the world that remains.

Wayfinder Game character design for Kyros by Joe Madureira

Marketing art for Wayfinder character Kyros by Joe Madureira


The ??? To be revealed in the future...

Wayfinder Game character design for Redacted by Joe Madureira

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