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Ultimate Spiderman #88/Ultimate Vision #1 in stores

Sorry for late news, but last week Ultimate Spiderman #88 with the flip-cover by Joe Madureira for Ultimate Vision #1 is in stores. I will try to scan the cover plus the small ad for tomorrow. Other than that I got the new Wizard magazine that has an article about the Ultimate Series' with a couple questions answered by Jeph Loeb about Ultimates Vol. 3.

Now that Jeph Loeb and Joe Madureira are taking over Ultimates in 2006, how much will the book differ from what we've seen from the current team of Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch?

"Usually when a new team takes over a book, it's because something is broken," explains the newly Marvel exclusive Loeb. "Mark and Bryan are leaving at the top of their game on what is arguably-though not with me-Marvel's best book. There ain't nothing broken. However, like when they change James Bonds or any sequel that isn't with the same exact cast or director, there's going to be some changes. I'm not Mark, and Joe's not Hitch. The simplest way of looking at it is there will probably be a little less of the political stuff, since nobody does that better than Mark, and little more of the superhero stuff, since I think that's what Joe and I do well. We may pick up the pace a bit-largely because of so much of the character stuff Mark has taken the time to set up brilliantly. It will never be at the expense of character- but he lit a very long fuse...time for things to go boom!"

Is there any early word on what Loeb has planned for Ultimates Vol. 3?

"This is all very early in the game, and there's still and entire third act for Mark and Bryan to finish," explains Loeb. "So, I don't want to give too much away. The team roster will change. And before folks storm the house with human torches, you haven't read the ending of Volume 2. That will necessitate certain things-things that naturally will flow, I hope, into the next volume. The best part about it is when I talked with Mark-we've been working very closely-so many of the things he had planned fit right in. He paid me the greatest compliment when I did the Wizard piece on how I saw the team. I sent him this list with all my opinions on each character to get his okay and input. I heard nothing. I thought, "I must've really pissed this guy off, he's not even going to comment on my ideas!" SO I wrote him and said basically, 'Look, if you don't like it, tell me.' And he wrote back, 'No, I didn't respond because it was exactly as I see them.' I think he was trying to test my confidence! At the end of the day, all I can say is, yes, I know we're a different crew. But the spirit of what the book is and the fun that is inherent in these characters will continue. I will try and write the best story I can and hope folks like it.'re not going to believe who is joining the team and who has left during the break!"

source: Wizard #170, pg. 65-66

That's all for now, look for the scans tomorrow!
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