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Darkstalkers #1 powerfoil is delayed

Over at Shoryuken Forums I found some info that explains the lateness of Joe's Darkstalkers Powerfoil cover.

Originally Posted by Yusuf
The Joe Mad power foil cover still hasn't arrived in shops here :'(
is there something going on??

Post by Udoneko
The printer messed it up in production and they have to be printed again. Should be in stores in the next 2 weeks.

For everyone that was worried that they missed out on Joe's Powerfoil cover for Darkstalkers #1 you can rest easy now that it has been all cleared up and like Udoneko said, expect it to be in stores in two weeks.
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Anonymous said…
Wow, awesome stuff here. I've been searching for some more things about Joe Madureira, and havent really found much, but this is a great site for his new art.
He's been a serious influence on my art style and story telling, and everytime i see his art, it makes me jump on my table and pick up a pencil again. Keep up this good work Mike!
Mike said…
Thanks, It's always great to hear people like yourself say they enjoy the site!

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