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Showing posts from July, 2022

Airship Syndicate Announces Partnership with Digital Extremes For New AAA Game

Big news out of Airship Syndicate ! A video was released today during Tenno Con 2022 that announced Airship will be partnering up with WARFRAME developer Digital Extremes for their expertise in creating online words. Some further details were announced on Airship's new AAA game project; it's an online, character based, third-person action game set in a new and original world. They've also said it will be a free to play (F2P) game with hopes of creating a thriving community and world for people to play in for years to come. As such the title will be online and always evolving. When asked about the game engine, they are currently developing the game in Unreal Engine 4 (UE4), with plans to migrate it to Unreal Engine 5 (UE5) before the full game releases. Watch the video of Joe Madureira (CEO of Airship Syndicate), Steve Madureira (Lead Designer), Ryan Stefanelli (President and Game Director), Billy Garretsen (Lead UX Designer) and others talk about the new partnership with D...

Joe Madureira’s WARFRAME Character Design Reveal

At Tenno Con 2022, developer Digital Extremes announced a character design for their free to play game WARFRAME by Joe Madureira! Here’s what they had to say… “ You’ve been howling for this for a while now, Tenno! Sink your teeth into this jaw-dropping wolf-inspired Warframe concept art from celebrated comic artist and game designer Joe Madureira.”

My Hero Academia Variant Cover By Joe Madureira

It’s been a long time since we’ve seen a variant cover by Joe Madureira, and this one is a first of its kind…. a manga variant cover for My Hero Academia!  The cover features Bakugo and the art was coloured by Marte Gracia (Who has collaborated with Joe in the past on his Inhumans run).  The book is being published by Ki-oon Éditions and is releasing October 6, 2022.