Some exciting news for Joe Madureira fans. Shortly after his Savage Wolverine stint Joe will move over to help launch the next Marvel universe post-Infinity event called "Inhumanity" with Inhumans #1, a new ongoing series written by Matt Fraction. It hasn't been discussed if he will be the regular artist or if he will just pencil the initial few issues but we may find out more during San Diego Comic Con next week. Check out the cover for the first issue!
Joe Madureira has continued voicing his art advice with details on what gear he uses, his influences, and skills needed for working in the game or comic industry. Art Advice 2.0 Now for the specific art questions I do get very often: 1-I use a technical pencil with HB lead 99% of the time. Staedler, Koo-in-oor, Prismacolor Turquoise, it’s all good. Take your pick. I use them all. Sometimes I work on paper that’s a little different ( smoother or more coarse ) and I may move up or down to an H or a B lead if needed. But I find H and 2H digs into the pap er and is too hard to erase ( Which sadly I do a lot of ) and B is too soft ( smudges like a mofo.) B is fantastic for going back over lines, darkening , and adding weight to your lines. Basically, ‘inking’ with a pencil. **Just keep a sheet of scrap paper under your hand or you will smudge the shit out of your drawing!!!** HB suits my needs 99% of the time. Really no need to switch it out, just adjust your pressure. Harder or...