Here is a teaser square of the layout I've made for the re-opening of the Joe Madureira Fansite. It's just the top left side of the site showing some items that will be featured on the site. Right now the server space I was going to get has changed and I'll need to look elsewhere so there is kind of a delay on the site launch. Also I need to figure out if I want to get a domain name or not for the site since it costs money annually. is owned by Joe himself so I also need to come up with a domain name. If you have any ideas you would like to see in the new site or a suggestion about a domain name feel free to comment!
Here is a teaser square of the layout I've made for the re-opening of the Joe Madureira Fansite. It's just the top left side of the site showing some items that will be featured on the site. Right now the server space I was going to get has changed and I'll need to look elsewhere so there is kind of a delay on the site launch. Also I need to figure out if I want to get a domain name or not for the site since it costs money annually. is owned by Joe himself so I also need to come up with a domain name. If you have any ideas you would like to see in the new site or a suggestion about a domain name feel free to comment!
You're doing a sweet job!
I'm a brazian fan.
Voto por (JoeMad!.com)
Parabéns pelo site.
Congratulations for that site.
Vitor Lima.
Before i say anything 'bout the subject i wanted to first congratulate u for the excelent site u own here, ;)
I'm from Portugal and I'm proud to be a fan of Mad!
I think u've already found the right adress "" but since it's probably difficult u get to have it how about trying:
May not be the best u can get but at least they're creative and I've checked them, they don't exist yet ;) My Wishes of Good Luck with your project.
Hope I'll check it out as soon as possible ;) Have an eye on it